27 July, 2011

The disappearing soul-mates

You know, I've been thinkin'.  Especially since I've found what I believe to be a friend that could pretty much be my spiritual doppelganger. Yes, I have a twin sister whom I pretty much consider my better half, but I kid you not, this person is also just. like. me. I couldn't explain it if I tried, but race has to be thrown in the picture because other people on my spiritual (if not conscious) wavelength are/were all...black (so far).

I'm serious! Granted there were only two (well, three kind of) other people that I've come across like this. The first one was a male in high school, and yes, maybe I was more smitten and high-strung, but I swear that the connection had as something real. And strong. But not strong enough for me to keep it going. As soon as I moved, that connection pretty much disappeared along with him.

Then, I met this other guy by pure accident. He was kind enough to return the purse that I lost. But there was a connection and awareness there that freaked me out. Most (heck all of the) guys I've dated I can safely say did not have that strong of a connection. There were differences abound with few similarities and interests that kept things interesting, challenging even. But this person was a rarity. There was the instant connection conversation about social issues off the bat, and a kind atmosphere that was unexpected and yet so warm. Of course I had to go away to a conference a week or so after I met this guy, and when I came back, he disappeared. Unanswered phone calls and text messages abound (never mind the fact that he had a pay per use phone).  Dang-it.

And then, I met a third guy. Not in person. Online. He pretty much was in the same boat as the other two. He even admitted to drawing and creating comics and stories in his pre/teenage years. Just. Like. Me! I swore I wouldn't let the next person who was like this get away!! Unfortunately, he didn't disappear so much as call me a name of kinship which metaphorically means dating or pursuing a close relationship was out of the question. I don't feel so bad about it though this time around. If I had've met the guy, well, that would've been a different story.

And finally, I met a woman through a non-profit project. We didn't immediately click, but the second non-work related lunch outing, the floodgates opened yet again! It is so nice to be around a person who is on the same spiritual wavelength! She is my doppleganger (the one in the 1st paragraph). Differences in tastes and interests notwithstanding, I cannot emphasize the spiritual connection I felt that would (if it were a guy) otherwise have me in a completely love-struck situation!

I won't say too much more, except that I hope nothing jeopardizes our friendship, because there was so many affirming things that were talked about. Connections had. And something so joyful, our hanging out nearly exploded with enough positivity to heal and seal any negativity harbored through the years. It was pretty much a "yes, there is more than one person that understands me; feels me."

And I hope to meet more people like this by some off-chance. The next guy (regardless of race) that I bump into that has that similar/same wavelength and spirit, I'll be sure to pursue with a vigor lost on the other disappearances.  But I wonder about if race has anything to do with this strong connection I have felt come and go.  Could it be?  I won't let it trouble me too much, but it can't be a coincidence.

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