For now DJing is my only artistic form of expression, and 'crash-coursing it' seems to be my m.o. when it comes to learning new things, though I prefer a structured and guided learning environment. But cc-ing it is how my projects were written to get me two degrees, so it works, I guess.
I've been through a bit, and I may reflect upon that from time to time. I might even revisit things that traumatized me or made me more depressed than usual. In any event, I felt it important enough to write on. Stuff not as important may be deleted.
This blog is more to remind me of where I was at the time and how far I came since then.
My observations and subsequent thoughts may not be within strict guidelines of academia (I did attend grad school and hope to do so again), but I make them regardless of the flaws that come about.
- I am a part of great communities working towards various forms of social change through various mediums and hope to integrate such into future studies
- I am very much interested in comic books, film, records and other forms of media and integrating such into my studies...the conundrum being connecting such to community/social issues...or at least making it relevant to communities in general
- Personally,
- I have issues that need to be worked out with regards to anxiety, self-esteem, and procrastination
- I don't cuss much, it's not a regular part of my language structure
- I do have nervous habits that I am trying to break
- I am a work in progress, the most important personal work is love of self (enough to get over self-esteem issues)
- I talk about anything that's been heavy on my mind, or at least heavy enough to share without feeling there's too negative of a consequence that comes from it.
- I seek feedback from anyone and everyone who feels they have something constructive to say about anything I post.